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Black Movie by Danez Smith

Think: Once, a white girl was kidnapped & that's the Trojan War. Later, up the block, Troy got shot & that was Tuesday. Are we not worthy of a city of ash? Of 1,000 ships launched because we are missed? Always something deserves to be burned. It's never the right thing.

And there you have it. Black Movie instantly became the best short film you'll ever read. Two hands in red on the cover show a visual of "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" and it gives you an insight of the raw penmanship you can expect from Danez Smith. Their craft and creativity is laid out on the line so beautifully for more than 40 pages. They show us their life on their account and holds our hands as we cry in unity in “Short Film”.

Probably the most haunting poems in this book, “Short Film” sheds light on Trayvon Martin, Mike Brown, Renisha McBride, John Crawford and Brandon Zachary. Smith’s way of words during these 12 pages shook me to my core in a way no other author has been able to do.

With the most interesting table of contents that include titles like Sleeping Beauty in the Hood, Jim Crow Rock Star, Lion King in the Hood, and Dear White America, you’ll be sure to get your dose of excellence with this purchase.

Check him out on Button Poetry:


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